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What to do when NEW is UNFAMILIAR

Updated: Feb 28, 2023

Speaker: Apostle Jivel Tousand

Sermon Title: When New is Unfamiliar


Oftentimes, we notice ourselves going in circles, following the same patterns and producing the same results. One would hope that as we get older, we learn from our past mistakes, and growth would be a byproduct of our age. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. Age does not automatically result in wisdom. It is maturity that produces clarity, and repentance that breeds results. Many of us want the PRODUCT that comes from consistent positive change, but we don't want to commit to the PROCESS of what it would take to obtain and maintain the very thing that we are asking God for. However, you must change your behavior to change your results.

All of that sounds good, but if changing was as simple as just saying "I'm ready to change", most of us wouldn't have to fight as hard as we do to move out of old habits.

So, here are three (3) steps towards changing your mindset and stepping into the beauty of the life that God truly wants for you. Free from oppression, free from bondage, and free to enjoy life without succumbing to the level of hopelessness that comes from allowing the spirit of defeat to convince you that you can't win a battle God has already won on your behalf.


  • At the beginning of a process, growth does not always feel good. Embrace the fact that there may be moments that you don't like. It may feel uncomfortable when the Holy Spirit directs you to do something new. Expect new to feel unfamiliar, because it is. Accept the uneasiness of that feeling, and decide to move through it. Keep in mind that comfort and complacency tend to correlate. So, don't allow familiarity to keep you in a place of unproductivity.


  • Stand guard against the spirit of fear. Fear tends to make someone shut down and shut off. One of its many desires is to blind you from the reality of what God is doing while keeping you in a place that doesn't serve you. Speak 2 Timothy 1:7(NKJV) over yourself "For God has not given [me] a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."


  • Obedience is the key to success. Seek God by reading His word and communicating with Him often. Then, follow through with whatever He reveals to you. He tends to reveal things in pieces, so don't be alarmed when you only hear one piece of a much bigger picture. Rest assured, when you complete the instructions you have, He will reveal more to you. Honestly, if God gave us everything upfront, we couldn't handle it, and we would undoubtedly mismanage it.

Ultimately, you will also need to give yourself grace as you move into the new thing. No one is perfect except for God and "making a mistake does not make YOU a mistake" - Apostle Jivel Tousand. Remember that your mistakes do not define you, God does. You are made in His image and not your own. As an added bonus, you can always go to your Heavenly Father and pray for additional strength as you are changing. Depending on the severity of the situation, you may need to add a fast to your prayer, but no matter what, nothing is stronger than God. He has all power, and He is always in control. You do have free will, so if you want to see success, make sure that your will aligns with His will, and VICTORY will be IMMINENT!!!

Sermon notes by Andrea J.

Speaker: Apostle Jivel Tousand

Sermon Title: When New is Unfamiliar


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